Please note: We are open Mon/Tue & Thur 9-5.30 & Sat 10-1pm

One of our big exciting reveals in February was that we would be starting employability and digital job searching clinics with an experienced Lewisham employment adviser.

These take place every Tuesday, with drop-ins from 11am-12pm, and appointments from 12pm to 1pm. We’re pleased to report that these are doing really well – we’ve had a full house of appointments, and plenty of drop-ins.

We really love this new service at the Corbett Community Library. Local people seeking help with CVs and job applications has always been a common feature of running our library.

While our staff and volunteers have always done their best, we are delighted to have expert opinion on hand weekly to guide our community towards the best possible outcomes.

Step forward, our Jobs Tsar, Cordelia Wise:

“It’s been great to offer some help and support to local people around looking for work.
“If you need help with job search, your CV or using computers to look for work, please drop in or make an appointment.”

In future, we hope to show you more feedback and success stories from service users in our newsletters and blogs so we can highlight the excellent work being done – but we hope in the meantime that a quick introduction to Cordelia will suffice!

If you, or anyone you know, would benefit from this service, do email us on, or call 020 8378 5358